The Happy People world always gives unique moments, and if you need a buy a special gift the fantasy pillowcase line is what you've been looking for.
You'll be able to find many phrases suitable for every occasion: - Shut Up and Kiss Me, - Don't Guilt, - Sore, - Let's Baste, - Boiling Spirits, - I Always Think of You, - Good Luck, - You + Me, - Dreaming, - Happy I'll Be, - Good Morning, - Hug, - Give Us a Break. Pillowcase measures 50x80 cm packaged in a cute envelope, in 100% Cotton on a white background .
100% cotton
Prodotto in Italia in puro cotone
Happy People
Fantafedera In Bocca al Lupo
Federa measures 50x80 cm packaged in a nice letters from letters, in 100% cotton on a white background.